5 Sectors That Can Emerge as India's Largest Employers in Future

1. Information Technology:

The Indian IT sector has been and will continue to be the leading light of India’s fortunes. It has been instrumental in driving the nation’s economy onto a positive growth curve and has contributed significantly for changing India’s global image from a sluggish developing economy to a global leader in providing world class technology solutions. According to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) figures, the Indian IT industry is said to touch mind boggling number of $225 billion by 2020.

The Indian IT industry has a great scope in the future and has the potential to generate huge foreign exchange inflow for the country. Presently, India exports software and services to approximately 95 countries around the world and is expected to make giant leaps in the coming years. Also, the Indian firms are broadening the range of services being offered to the customers, which is resulting in more employment opportunities and off shoring. In addition, the initiatives taken by the companies such as talent acquisition, retention and development have brought down the attrition rates, thereby increasing their job commitment and providing more stability to the employees.    

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