5 Phone Interview Tips That Can Fetch You a Job

1. Always try give your landline number to the recruiters:

Whenever you give your telephone details in the resume, it’s better to give your landline number than your mobile number because, many times you would have experienced the voice breaking problem while talking in the cell phones and this problem might create an irritation to the interviewers if you face this problem during the telephonic interview process and you might unnecessarily lose a good opportunity. So, it’s better to give the landline number to avoid risks during the interviewing process.

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If you think this is not possible at all as you don’t have a landline number, it’s better to make sure you are in an area where you can have a clear network for your cell phone that can avoid problems. All in all, it is your responsibility to make sure there is no problem while you are in an interview call with your future possible employers.

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