5 Most Popular Outsourced Careers

3. Writing

Content generation is considered as another outsourcing business today. Not only freelance writing but content generation business firms are today started to occupy in the business sector. Together with offering marketing services, many outsourcing companies even into create marketing copy for their clients.

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Rather than looking for a permanent employee, industries like newspaper, magazine, website publishers, and marketing companies are found it effective, to depend content generating firms and freelancers. And it becomes easier for a writer to earn more while working with different clients and subjects of his choice. Also the writer gets greater freedom to work in his time limit. Newsletters, press releases, SEO content, website copywriting or blogging services, are some of the main content writing areas identified. Matching the writing tone and style of the clients will be a challenge for writers, but many of the specific content and copywriting projects offer a large number of job openings in developing countries like India.

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