5 Most Impressive Students of Indian Origin at Harvard Business School

Bangalore: Harvard Business School is one of the top ranked B-school in the U.S and one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. It is the place where entrepreneurs are born and entry into this esteemed institution is believed to a stepping stone for a six digit salary and a corner office.

Here is a list of the most impressive students of Indian origin currently pursuing their MBAs at this renowned institution, as reported by Mariana Simoes and Max Nisen of Business Insider.

Abhishek Agarwal:

Abhishek Agarwal, a 24 year old from New Delhi, is a second year student at Harvard. He has an undergraduate degree from Princeton University and was just 16 years old when he started the undergraduate degree programme. While at the institution, he carried out ground-breaking research on biomedical applications of infrared lasers. After completing his undergraduate degree, he joined Microsoft Research as an engineer and assisted in developing 3D scanners, educational games and so on.

Abhishek was a hardcore trivial buff and had aspirations to bring pub trivia to the App store. Hence, he along with his friends Jonathan Evans and Karen Tang developed TrivPals, which is a free mobile game that allowed users to challenge their friends across a wide range of trivia categories. The game was a huge success, with over 4 lakh questions answered in just eight weeks.

Their innovation also earned them runners-up trophy at the HBS micro-business competition. And they are currently perfecting the game at Harvard’s Innovation Lab.

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