5 Classic Signs That Scream Your Job Is In Danger

3. You Are Invited For Fewer Meetings than Usual

Are you being overlooked and invited for smaller amount meetings than usual? This signifies that your views are no longer valued and are not required in critical group meetings that have a say in the organizations plans and strategies. 

4. You Start To Receive Written Warnings about Minor Infractions

This could be a telltale warning that your employer is preparing to let you go, and is putting the necessary strategies in place to guard themselves from unfair dismissal claims. They can do so by stacking up a detailed documentation of official warnings with regards to performance or workplace behavior.

5. You Are Suddenly Asked to Document Everything That You Do and Train Someone on Things That Are Normally Your Sole Responsibility

This can specify that the employer doesn’t expect you to be around much longer, and hence they are doing the needful so that the productivity is not affected.

Make sure that the suspicion/mistrust about someone else’s behavior doesn’t affect your performance. Stay friendly, focused and upbeat at work, and carry out the allotted work with utmost dedication. This might ultimately change their views about you and might also force them to revise the decision to sack you.  

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