5 Careers That Are Fading Today

Agricultural Workers:

In India, it was agriculture which supports the economy. Even though, India holds second place in agriculture production among all nations, the sector seems to be diminished.  In fact, most of the youngsters are not interested in farming and agricultural field works. And most of the landscapes and rural areas are seemingly urbanized. And the lack of agricultural labors and more opportunities in other sectors turn the farmers to stop farming. Today, agriculture has a declining role in the economy. Low labor mobility and slow growth in productivity cause the decline of agriculture in economy and in labor force.

File Clerks:

Earlier in every office, file clerks played a key role where all the documents were paper filed. It was a man labor job to collect, organize and manage all documents according to the priority. Along with various other clerical duties, a file clerk asked to supervise all records of that particular organization. S/he is supposed to manage all databases, records, and any documented information from various departments and employees. As today, everything is documented and filed online; the need of file clerk is decreased.