5 Careers That Are Fading Today

Financial Products Salespeople:

A daunting shrinkage is to happen in the jobs of financial products salespersons, as the scenario shows the door-to-door insurance salespersons will not be any more in the finance sectors. Access to computers and internet changed the world in such a level where we can purchase any products online. Even for financial aids, today’s generation largely depend on online information where we can interact with the virtual salespersons who can guide with latest insurance trends. Still most of the consumers make use of the invest analysis annual reports and catalogs which are available online. Face-to-face sales of financial product seem to be vanished by 2020.

Postmasters and Mail Superintendents:

E-mails have overtaken the importance of sending letters and greetings through post office. It has also decreased the role of postmasters and mail superintendents who are supposed to organize and supervise processing of incoming and outgoing mail. The possibility of instant communication could bring a remarkable progression in all sectors. The days are gone where people waited for more than three days to get mails. Today, within seconds or minutes everything gets on our finger tips a mouse click away. But unfortunately, a number of job openings are declined in the sector.