5 Career Tips To Consider For Admissions 2015

Have a Career Diary

In the deciding phase, it happens many a times that you go round and round thinking about the same profession. At times you feel that’s fantastic, at times you just don’t like it. At this state, its important to maintain a career diary. Well, literally you don’t need to go and buy a fancy pen and notebook right now. Just create a document in your computer and list all the dream jobs you have, Keep adding the pros and cons to each of it. When you go through you will find the ideal one is so easy and simple to find.

Research On Eligibility Criteria

Dreams might make you the king of your kingdom. But dreams need to meet reality. So whenever thoughts of any profession ponder in your mind just check if you have the right capabilities to shoot for it. Like a short boy can dream but not afford to be a part of the army of his country. A physically challenged  girl cannot aim to be a mountain trekker in life. So do thorough cross checks.

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