5 Bad Habits that Crush Your Creativity

Bangalore: It is said that everyone born as creative but time kills their creativity. We often think intelligent people are more creative, but not always as your IQ is not related to your creative thinking. Though, we born with a creative mind, why only few are highly creative? What does happen to others? You learned laziness which crushed your creativity in such an extent. Like any other bad habits, there are some noted which can kill your creative thinking. So, find it which kills your creativity and broke them to be driven by creative ideas.

1. Expert Ego

It often named as ‘Expert Syndrome’. If you find yourself as a proficient and extra-talented person to handle everything, it can spoil your creativity. No one probably knows everything about anything. The process of learning is a non-ending process; you must listen to others as it can boost your knowledge and creative ideas. Also you should not always obey what others advice unless you are agreeable with it. Some people come up successful after breaking the set rules. Success is differentiating the uniqueness.