4 Ways to Become an Ideal Co-worker

Bangalore: Co-worker relationship is like none other. We don’t generally get a chance to choose them, yet we have to spend considerable amount of time and also get along with them well enough so that our productivity as a team or as an individual is not affected.

Here is a list of strategies that can help you build a good relationship with your co-workers, especially at the beginning of your career, as listed by Laura Abrar for Brazen Life.

Get To Work Before Everyone Else Does

Though this is a much underrated tactic, it is worth in gold in your pursuit to build a constructive relationship with your colleagues. This strategy helps you get to know how your colleagues operate, score a few extra points in their eyes and also shows you who else in the team or workplace have the same forward-looking mindset.

In addition, arriving early gives you a chance to assess who is dangerously workaholic and who is highly sociable at the workplace, plus gives you a chance to discover how much work can get done solo when there are no distractions, which is a primary drain on productivity.

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