4 Careers That Are Headed For the Trash Pile

#2. Manufacturing Assembly Jobs:

The workforce in this line of work has tumbled to its lowest level on record. The demise of this profession can be blamed on everything from globalization and technological advances to the subsequent productivity improvements that have reduced the need for these workers. Also the outlook of the profession seems to inspire little confidence over the future and is expected to remain the same over the next decade. Moreover, the automation of repetitive tasks performed by these professionals is bound to have an impact on the employment opportunities in this line of work.

#1. Postal Service Workers:

Postal service workers have had hard times ever since the invention of emails and other telecommunication products. This line of work has lost a major chunk of its customers and business market share to much more reliable and faster telecommunication services. There has been a drastic decrease in the volume of postal services in response to the increasing digitalization of mails. The drastic volume reduction has also made it harder to run profitable business and is expected to reach greater depths in the future.

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