4 Tips for Successful Career Transition

Bangalore: Are you frustrated, unchallenged and unfulfilled with your work? Then this might be the right time to make a major change. Changing careers, however, is something that you should never do without serious thought or consideration.

Here are few keys that might help you weigh your options and make a decision, as listed by Alexandra Levit of Excelle.

1. Learn About Yourself and Your Career Objective

Take some time off and self introspect about your aims, objectives and where you want to be in the next five years. Carry out a thorough assessment of your values, how you would like to work and other important considerations. Make a list of careers, industries and sectors that are in line with your skills and interest. Use your resources, hit the internet, take relevant course works, set up informational interviews, and so on, to zero in on the prefect option that is a best bet to achieve your career objective.

2. Ease into a New Career One Step at a Time

You can perhaps opt to take up a part-time internship program related to the new area, or enroll in a workshop or an adult education class on the weekend, while being employed in the current job. By this way you will be able to assess your keenness to enter the new field, plus strengthen the job critical skills associated with the new area.

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