36 Small Things you can do to Boost Productivity in 2016

Eat at the table: Eating in front of a TV can lead to distraction and overeating which is unhealthy.

Avoid Smoking:  It is rightly said that every puff on a cigarette is another tick closer to a time bomb of terrible consequences. So avoid smoking to live a healthier life.

Try Gardening: Research shows that gardening reduces the risk of dementia. Start gardening.

Cut out soda: If you would be able to cut out one soda per day, it could equal to almost 15lbs of weight per year.

Start you day by stretching: Stretching wakes you up, makes you flexible and helps the blood to circulate.

Eat your protein filled basket: Research shows Protein rich basket enhances metabolism and keeps you from over eating.

Put unhealthy food low in your fridge: If you don’t get hands on unhealthy food, you tend live a healthier life so keep it low in the fridge.

Track your time:  Prepare a time schedule for a week and manage your activities.

Create a meal plan: Organizing a meal plan helps you eat on time and makes meal preparation easier.

Take naps: If you work on creation and innovation of things, taking a nap helps in resting your brain.

Push back your alarm clock every minute per day: This technique will help you to rise up early everyday and helps you maintain the habit.

Get rid of time wasting apps: If you are spending too much time on a single application like games, muster up the courage to delete it.

Play music instead of TV: TV can be addictive, distractive and makes you sit at one place. Play music instead.

Single tasking: Start single tasking instead of multi tasking, you will be more effective and efficient on your tasks as it would be less distractive.

Get your more difficult chores done first: Getting the most uphill task done first helps you to relieve stress.

Make your bed every day: Making your bed has related to boost productivity and a sense of satisfaction.
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