3 Ways to Figure out Leaders in Potential Employees

2. Candidates who admire your company’s leaders on social networking sites:
Before applying for a job or before attending the interview session, a candidate will always go through the company’s website, but very few people follow up the company’s social media account, including the executive’s accounts of the company. When a job seeker takes a deeper look at both the executives’ accounts as well as the company’s website, definitely you can trust them of taking up the initiatives all by their own after you hire them.

3. Candidates who can connect with the company’s current and former employees:
Before joining your company, a candidate would always like to learn about your company in a better way. So, they might connect with the former employees of your company or the present employees, as they can play a great source of information. Former employees can reveal the challenges they faced inside the company. So, as an employer, maintain a good relationship even with the former employees, as many people might reach out to them regarding the job opportunities in your company.