3 Things You Are Not Taught At B-Schools

Bangalore: The period of globalization increased the demand of managers who can supervise and manage the growing business in India. So, to be one among the talented managers, the youngsters in the country have shown interest to pursue a MBA degree. There are many B-schools in India which claim to be the best, but there are few things which no B-school manages to teach. If you are curious to know what are they, checkout the list given below:

1. How to be a Risk taker

Thomas Edison said “I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb.” The attitude and skill of taking risk is entirely based on experience. Until and unless you won’t open the door, it is hard to tell what is there at other side. No B-school can teach you how to take a risk or do something exceptionally different from the general trend. The risk you take may work, or sometimes that may not work. But in the course of taking risk the possibility of discovering new ways and methods increases.