3 Things You Are Not Taught At B-Schools

2. The Inborn Talents

Creativity and imagination are the backbones of the business world. An idea of reducing the size of computer allowed people to put their PCs from tables to their bags and pockets in the form of today’s Ultrabooks and smartphones. Each and every discovery in the course of human development is an example of creativity and imagination. Instinct and compassion are also very important for a successful business.  Instinct helps a person to decide something by listening to the inner voice rather than manipulating it with the people’s thought. Only a compassionate person can understand the true requirements and needs of his clients or customers. Without compassion, a person can never be a leader.

3. Importance of People

The people make the society, similarly, the people working in the company, gives meaning to that company. Without understanding the importance of the people with whom you are working, you cannot be a good business manager. The happiness of the employees for a successful business after all are the people who give life and meaning to a product or service.