3 Hottest Interview Questions to Ask the FB Generation

Bangalore: Are you troubled to interview a Gen Y? Millennials are often said to be the very strange people everywhere. The trends and lifestyles are changing time to time. We have already read the changing workplace trends of new Millennials, but it is not stopped there. Job hunters are bringing new parameters in their search. According to the latest reviews on job market, this year is to witness different ways of get hired. Social media is the favourite tool for job search today. As new pass-outs are getting into the 2012 job market, emerging new trends will be more strategized in accordance to their work preference and workplace preferences. Competing for the top talent, most of the companies welcomed the social media to share their job openings.

While we are following a decades old interview pattern, Denise Restauri, Contributor of the Forbes website, points out what is the 2012 trends in interview questions. Don’t you think we need to change the pattern of interview questions? Adapting the Millennials trends in interview patterns will help to know what your candidates actually are. Compared to the past years, most of the candidates are smarter than you think. Millennials are not fascinated to the pay check but they give more importance to whom they work for, workplace culture of the company, access of social media at work, flexible work time, and other perks offered. When you interview the millennials, you will be interviewed in return. Many top talents have already got some offers in their hand. As you short list candidates, today’s interviewees have some strategy to short list firms where they want to work.

Are you often asking these below mentioned questions to your interviewees?

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What do you know about our organization?
3. Why do you want to work for us?

You probably may lose your potential candidate. Asking the same old interview questions among ‘101 interview questions’ will not help you to get the right candidate always. Not only should the interviewees, interviewers also adapt the trends.