3 Hottest Interview Questions to Ask the FB Generation

Here, are three questions which can be asked to Net Generation or Facebook Generation.  

1)  What do you do and how do you get on with your work if the whole computer system gets collapsed when your shift started?

As social media became the lifeline of the Millenials, they share their daily activities among friends circle. They read online, they play online, and it will be worthwhile to know how they feel when they are detached from virtual world. Yeah, very well... This is the way you can analyze how much initiative they are for problem-solving. Internet is being the most favourite tool for researching, connecting to real world, communicating with others including the person who is sitting in the nearby cubicle, proof reading the write-ups and even for simple mathematics. This question can be hit on the head of your candidate.

2)  Another best question is to ask their habit of researching whatever they are read on social media.

Social media generation used to re-share the information which others shared such as news, quotes of famous person or exclusive repost of celebrity break-ups or exclusive political reports and so on.  Do they research to know the timeliness and reliability of the information?  Are they curious to watch out what their friends usually share? Do they share only the information which is extremely unbelievable?  Questions related to this social media trends will help you to analyze whether the candidate is analytical.  It will help you to understand how they make decisions based on feelings or the relevant information. 

3) According to Denise Restauri, this can be a two-part question regarding the Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ status sharing trends.

It will help you to understand whether the candidate is interested to keep track of what the trends among others in the loop. Or do they have a habit of engaging their friends on their wall posts? Are they interested to share and comment what seems interesting or do they ignore them?

It can give you a glimpse of their social attitude and online culture.