17 Pct of Indian Working Women Face Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Interestingly, 93 percent of working women and 87 percent of general population, who were surveyed, were aware of sexual harassment of women at workplace, but a majority of victims did not resort to any formal complaint / action against the perpetrators. In addition, it was revealed that 26 percent of the victims were the sole earners in their families and couldn’t take any action due to fear of losing the job, which indicated the economic vulnerability that further made women more susceptible to harassment at workplace. It was also stated that fear of getting stigmatized, absence of appropriate complaint mechanism and lack of awareness of legislation were some of the other reasons for not taking a formal action.

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According to the report, the top three sectors that surfaced as unsafe workplace for women includes laborers (29 percent), domestic help (23 percent) and small scale industries (16 percent).

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