17 Pct of Indian Working Women Face Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Bangalore: According to the findings of an opinion poll titled “Sexual Harassment in India 2011 – 2012” released by Oxfam India, 17 percent of working population among women feel that they have experienced acts of sexual harassment in India, reports Shreyas Biswas on The Economic Times.

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The research was jointly conducted by Social and Rural Research Institute, a wing of IMRB (Indian Market Research Bureau) International and Oxfam India in cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmadabad, Durgapur and Lucknow.

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The report indicated a high degree of sexual harassment acts among both organized and unorganized sectors. Most respondents of this opinion poll reported to have faced sexual harassment acts that were non physical in nature. 66 of the 400 women, who were surveyed, reported to have faced a collective total of 121 acts of sexual harassment. 19 out of 121 incidents were reported to be physical in nature; whereas the remaining 102 were non physical.