10 Things You Should Never Include on Your Resume

5. Hatred about Your Last Job

You should avoid using your resume as a platform for regretting your last job. The words you use to express your hatred towards previous job and ex-boss can cost you a job. It is a challenge for you to remain positive after you left the job where you had bad experiences. Sometimes, it is very difficult for you to keep emotional balance, though you have to be very professional in writing your resume. Even when you are asked to write about why you want to apply for the particular job, keep in mind to be diplomatic to detail your skills and strengths, which you couldn’t explore at last job, match for the prospective job.

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6. Hobbies

It is not the place to detail about those unprofessional or non-skilled hobbies of yours. Your prospective employer is interested to know how active you are. Different community activities you have participated, you have to also ignore the irrelevant contest winning you could achieve while your studies. But of course the ones which can prove you are talented and skilled in some related areas like writing, designing, directing and so on.