10 Things You Should Never Include on Your Resume

3. Irrelevant Job Experience

Even if your job experiences are relevant or irrelevant for the job you applying for, it will help your hiring manager some-extent. But it is sensible for you to ignore that job titles which cannot reflect your responsibilities while writing a resume. In interview you can explain them how those skills you acquired can help you in your prospective job. But when you fill the resume with irrelevant work experience it may irritate while screening your resume with hundred other. So, you should stick only with the relevant work experiences and internships.

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4. Photograph

Few more creative persons tend to attach the photograph along with the resume. But it is not legally considered, as the picture cannot be a matter of concern to call you for interview. But for some jobs, it is necessary if you pursue a profession in media or modeling. In corporate world, most of the companies reject the resumes which are attached with a photo of the candidate. Sometimes, even for some overseas jobs you may be asked to submit the photograph along with your resume. Yeah, if it is not a mandatory to attach photograph, you should not attach it with your resume.