10 Things You Need to Know on Body Language During Job Interview

9. You can make use of any props whenever you need it:

Whenever you need something to hold which makes you feel comfortable while conversing with your interviewer, then you can hold a pen or anything else which can increase your comfort level while conversing with the interviewer. But, it is better to avoid holding any of the props while you need to present a PowerPoint presentation o any of the meetings with the higher authority.

10. Don’t invade the interviewer’s space:

Some people think trying to get closer to the person or in the case of interview trying to get closer to the interviewer is really helpful to impress him or her by trying to get too friendly with them. Actually, this is utterly a misconception to think you can get a job by getting friendly with the interviewer. So, you must definitely know that in- order to successfully finish a job interview, boundaries are very much important between yourself and the interviewer.