10 Things You Need to Know on Body Language During Job Interview

7. Playing with your hair or cracking your knuckles can be distracting your interviewer:

Playing with your hair is really a very bad habit whenever you are conversing with the other person, especially repeating such acts especially in front of your potential employer it will be really distracting them every moment, and at the same time cracking your knuckles might also distract their work as usually the interviews happen in a silent place. Make sure you avoid such habits and get to know, about your bad habits that you must avoid in front of another person. Start avoiding any such foolish acts while conversing with your friends on a daily basis if you find it difficult to get away with those bad habits all of a sudden.

8. Putting your hand inside your pocket can look awkward:

If you are suppose to stand the whole of your interview session and attend the interview, avoid putting your hands inside your pockets, as it looks very awkward and untidy, instead let your hands drop to your side, so that it looks elegant and start your conversation and use your hand whenever it’s necessary to engage them during a conversation.