10 Signs Your Interviewer is Not Listening to You

Bangalore: Most times after our job interviews, we tend to think repeatedly about the conversations that took place during the interview and try to figure out how our performance was during the course of the interview? Certain questions pop in our mind like, were my answers satisfactory? Did the interviewers like me? How likely am I to bag the offer? Etc. However, you can very well track how the interview went based on the recruiter’s delivery of sentences, and behavior. According to Alison Green, of U.S. News Money, listed below are the signs that the interviewer isn't that into you.

1. Recruiter says that the organization is talking with many applicants: The very first indication that suggests that the recruiter is not much interested to hire you is when the recruiter mentions that the company is talking with a lot of candidates. Keep in mind that a delivery of such kind of a sentence is an effort of the recruiter to compress your hopes for the job.

2. Glancing email, texting, or looking bored: If the interviewer looks bored or if he is busy checking his emails or texting suggest that he is not very much impressed with your interview. In certain scenario this can also be a sign that the person who is interviewing you is not a good recruiter as he is detached for reasons that have nothing to do with you.