10 Secrets You Must Know About Job Interview

8. Guess the age of your recruiter and answer according to that:

Your recruiter might be of a different generation with different values. So, his or her type of thinking might be entirely different from that of yours. So, as it is you who is in the need of a good job, you must try to change a little bit in the way you think while you answer the questions asked by the hiring manager. By your early conversations with the recruiter before the interviewing session you would have got a little bit hints of what type of a person he or she is and what they might expect from a candidate. So, keeping that in mind, try to answer the questions you are asked.

7. Maintain a good eye contact:

Without a direct eye contact with your recruiters it is difficult to get a job because that may symbolize that you lack confidence. So, in many of the interviewing sessions there may be more than one recruiter where you need to act according to that situation without being nervous. Make sure you answer the question by having the direct eye contact with the person who asked you the question at first and later have a soft eye contact with rest of them while you are answering the question. While ending your response return your eye contact to the recruiter who asked you the question.

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