10 Secrets You Must Know About Job Interview

Bangalore: When you attend a job interview, the first thing you need to know is, the hiring manager is finding something unique in your skills and character which can help for the position he or she will offer for you. So, the recruiter eventually wants to know, who you are.  To find it out the recruiter might not ask about yourself to you directly but he or she may observe you through in a different way. So, to present yourself in a good way, here are few essential things you need to know about the job interviewing process in this competitive job market as reported by Vivian Giang on the Business Insider by compiling the information provided in the book "Crazy Good Interviewing: How Acting A Little Crazy Can Get You The Job," by John B. Molidor and Barbara Parus.

10. Don’t Accept if they offer you something to drink:

It is good to reject in a polite manner, if the hiring managers offer you some cold drink or some other beverages to drink at the time of the interview. You need to reject it because you might accidently spill the drink on the floor or on your attire when your mind is completely concentrating on the questions they might ask you. So, to avoid any further consequences try to reject it in a polite manner and concentrate on what they might ask you or what they start questioning you.

9. Don’t sit until you are asked to sit:

Whenever you enter the interview room, the first thing you need to do is to greet the recruiters sitting in front of you. Then, you shouldn’t take your seat unless and until you are asked to sit as it is a matter of discipline. After you take your seat, you need to make sure that you sit straight as it signifies your confidence level. Don’t ever leave a timid impression in front of them as it can harm your chances of getting a job.

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