10 Questions you'd Better Ask Your Boss to Find Success at Work

9. What Does Your Boss Value The Most In His / Her Direct Reports?

This information will help you to establish whether your boss prefers creativity, time management, attention to detail, or efficiency. It also helps you to assess whether your boss cares about autonomy or expediency. 

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10. What Matters Most To The Boss Outside Of Work?

This question helps you to become acquainted with something related to your boss’ life outside work. This question helps you to establish whether your boss is focused on his / her family, hobbies, religion or politics; does your boss’ religious or political attachment affect his / her schedule, and thus yours; and finally the completeness of his / her education.

Finally, do bear in mind that the more you know about your boss’ management style, values, interests, and background, greater the chances are to find success at work.

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