10 Most Hot Personal Qualities Interviewers Seek

5. Emotional Maturity

Even if you could score a high IQ performance, it cannot fetch you a job if your EQ level is low. Rather than hiring an intelligent person, interviewers today opt for emotionally matured people. As immature employees can manipulate and mislead others, they are not at all tagged as good employees in any office. They often distract others by annoying or harassing others. They often work for their short-term satisfaction needs than targeting the long-term goals.

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6. Approach towards the work

If you are one of those kinds who are passionate towards the work you do, then you can surely beat the interview. Performing well is more important than the paycheck, is the desired quality ever employer want to see in their prospective employee as some are working just for the paycheck they receive at the month end. After all it is all coming from your interest on that particular job. If you are not interested in that job, your hatred towards the job you do increases, which finally will hurt your career development.

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