10 Jobs with Highest Depression Rates

Bangalore: Whatever might be the reason, most of us tend to get depressed with our daily work, but there are certain fields of work where automatically employees report a major depression caused due to the unpredictable nature work, long working hours or little control over the job opines Deborah Legge, PhD, a licensed mental health counselor in Buffalo. According to Deborah, if you are in a job where the level of stress is high then you can also manage it by taking care of yourself in a right manner. In order to know which are the jobs that are more likely to make you depressed, you must check out the below listed jobs mentioned by the health website.

1. Nursing home/child-care workers: Nursing home or child – care workers tops the list of careers with highest level of depression. In this field of work nearly 11 percent of employees reported an attack of major depression, which is quite closer to the unemployed professionals, amongst whom 13 percent reported of high stress level.  According to Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist at Tufts University and author of Child’s Mind, these professionals are required to take care of patients, who in turn are often unable to express their gratitude or appreciation as they are too ill or maybe quite young or are not habituated of expressing their feelings, moreover, it is quite stressful to see people sick all the time.