10 Jobs Where Women Outshine Men on Pay Scale


Like the other medical jobs on the list, this is also a profession that is dominated by females. Though pay disparity between the two genders is not as great as some of the other professions on the list, with a slight edge of additional 2.5 percent, female chemists have managed to fare better than their male equivalents.

Health Practitioner Support Technologist

This is a line of work that is tailor made for women. Be it attractive pay packages, relatively stress-free environment, stability or the perks, all are in favor of women.

Female health practitioner support technologists who assist surgeons, dieticians and other medical professionals are out-earning their male counterparts by 2.57 percent.   

Some of the other jobs where women are in command when it comes to pay packages are corporate directors, executives, bakers, beauticians, high and medium level healthcare professionals, and so on.

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