10 Jobs Where Women Outshine Men on Pay Scale

Real Estate Agent

Yes, this is a male dominated field and normally we don’t associate females with this profession. But the fact is that, though there are only a handful of female professionals in this field, they are actually earning more than their male equivalents. Female real estate agents are earning 6.95 percent more than what males earn in the same line of work. 


Traditionally, modeling has been a woman dominated field and will continue to be ruled by them. The pay disparity between the two sexes is almost incomparable. Women are out earning men by a staggering 148.8 percent. And the pay difference reduces to 28.4 percent when it comes to male and female models with the same experience.  


As per PayScale, female oncologists out-earn their opposite number by 9.7 percent. And among oncologist with comparable education and experience, the gap shrinks to 0.8 percent.

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