10 Jobs Where Women Outshine Men on Pay Scale


Contrary to the popular perception, finance and insurance fields are not dominated by males. As per the recent PayScale report, nearly 55 percent of the workforce in this profession are women. They also seem to have the ascendancy when it comes to pay packages. Currently, female stockbrokers are bagging additional 13.2 percent than what men do.

Among stockbrokers with parallel education and experience, women out-earn men by 8.9 percent.       

Human Resources Professional

This is a profession that is dominated by women, both in terms of the headcount and salary. Though female administrators do not fare well when compared to the salaries of their male counterparts, female HR training managers and female HR directors are definitely in the ascendancy in terms of the offered pay packages. Female HR training managers out earn the men by 3.4 percent, while female HR directors out earn their male equivalents by 1.8 percent.   

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