10 Jobs That Buy Happiness Without A College Degree

Bliss score: 3.16

Are you good in clicking awesome photographs? Then why are you waiting. You can carry out a profession as a freelance photographer if you are really good and interested, which will in turn keep you happy. But before taking any such decisions, you need to have a very deep thought before opting it, because a career in photography is not that easy to survive as it can be hard when it comes to your work-life balance. The prime demand from the photographer is to travel the world in search of awesome pictures, and this might literally keep you away from your family and friends for long time. In this profession, you need to spend long hours in a day all alone or sometimes just with a partner who can help you with your job.
Social Media Manager
Bliss score: 3.08

Social media is becoming ubiquitous, thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit and other sites. Given that opportunity, businesses everywhere are trying to reach new customers through this medium, and the job options for social media marketing specialists are growing.
Because social media is a relatively new field, there aren't many degrees supporting its growth. But having said that, this job doesn’t necessarily need one, if you live and breathe social media.
Field Service Technician
Bliss score: 3.06

Field service technicians are quite often the only representatives that ever set foot on a customer site to support customer service activities.
In many cases, the type of service work done or information communicated by field technicians is the primary way for customers to truly measure their integrity, credibility, effectiveness, and overall brand promise of the servicing organization. As a result, a good field service experience can make all the difference and keep you happy rather than having a full time degree.
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