10 In-Demand Recession Proof Jobs of All Time


Like the doctors, pharmacist is an evergreen job that will always be in scope. As long as there are diseases and sick people, these professionals continue to prosper and cash in on others illnesses.

Environmental Science Technician

This is the job to look out for in the coming years.  With an ever-increasing emphasis on greener energy, the worldwide push to make homes, offices and other buildings more energy-efficient, and the increasing demand to develop alternative sources of energy, the employment opportunities for these professionals is expected to rise, irrespective of the future economic conditions.


Be it peace time or war, these men in uniforms will always be in demand. Yes, it is a dangerous profession, but the rewards of being a soldier are many. Though the job is not for everyone, especially not the faint hearted, it will definitely have a place and never lose its sheen in this modern society. Especially at a time when the country is ravaged by floods, the commendable job of these men and women in uniform needs a special mention.

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8 Jobs That Will Never Die