10 Companies Emphasizing On Work Life Balance

CANVAS: Canvas helps thousands of organizations in replacing expensive and inefficient paper forms with customizable mobile apps. With the help of Canvas it’s easy for people to collect, share and integrate information using their mobile devices.
Canvas really gives a lot of effort in maintaining the work life balance. They get happy hours, play video games and are even allowed to watch baseball game outside the office. In this company employees are not colleagues, they are friends.
DYN: Dyn is the cloud based internet performance company which helps in monitoring, controlling, and optimizing online infrastructure. It is the job of Dyn to ensure that the traffic is delivered safe and fast.
Dyn wants its employees to relax during their hectic work schedule and that is why they have introduced in the office games like Ping Pong. The video game area has games like NBA Jam, Pac Man and Mortal Kombat.
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