10 Common Interview Questions That Are Against the Law

Do You Have An Outstanding Debt?

Employers need to seek permission before coming up with questions targeting an individual’s credit history. As per the law, employers do not have the authority to disqualify an individual from employment based on his outstanding debt, unless it directly affects his/her ability to work.

Furthermore, they can't even ask how well an individual manages his/her personal finances or inquire about his/her assets.

When Was The Last Time You Used Illegal Drugs?

It is not within the purview of the employers to enquire about an individual’s past drug addiction, but it is perfectly legal to ask whether an individual is currently using any illegal drugs, since the person who is currently using drugs is not protected under law.

Questions such as “Do you currently use or addicted to any illegal drugs?” or “What illegal drugs have you used in the last six months?” doesn’t violate any law.

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