10 Common Interview Questions That Are Against the Law

Have You Ever Been Arrested?

While it’s illegal for a prospective employer to come up with questions with regards to an arrest record of an individual, they are permitted to ask questions like whether an individual has ever been convicted for a crime.

The law prohibits an employer from disqualifying an individual for employment unless the crime committed is substantially related to the applied job. For instance, if an individual has been convicted for rape and he is applying for a teaching position, he in all probability shouldn’t get the job, as per law.

Are You Married?

This question is unlawful because it is targeted at knowing your marital status, which in turn could lead to the disclosure of your sexual orientation. Employers may ask this question to come to a conclusion with respect to the amount of time that you would be able to commit to the organization, so make sure you are cautious while answering this question.

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