10 Outrageous Resume Lies That Can Kill Your Job Chances

The Minister of Propaganda
Everyone lies at one point of time or the other, but perhaps not to an extent of being the assistant to the prime minister of a country. And that’s what a job seeking candidate did. Furthermore, this so called assistant of the PM claimed to be the assistant to the prime minister of a foreign country that doesn't have a prime minister. Well, this is a biggest whooper one can do to seek a job, guess this candidate needs to immediately do a Google search for goodness sake or ask Siri or Cortana.
Foul Shot
At times your hobbies matter to the employers to judge your candidature, but this candidate took a foul shot by claiming that he’s been a high school basketball free throw champion. Why? We have no idea.  May be this candidate thought that free throwing might just land him in a job but this kind of silly lies can just backfire and kill an individual’s job chances.
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