10 Lucrative Jobs That Most People Have No Idea About

Bangalore: In a dismal job market where many grads are regretting their choice of a career path, opting for one of the below mentioned options can be a great step in your pursuit for professional success and glory.  

Yes, the career paths listed below by Max Nisen of Business Insider are neither the most sought-after professions nor first option on anybody’s dream list, but they will in all probability land you a job that you will cherish doing for the rest of your life.  

Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer

Bioinformatics, which is an amalgamation of career fields of molecular biology and information technology, is the sunshine sector of the 21st century.

As a professional in this line of work, you will have to use your knowledge of computer science to manipulate and process complex research and medical data. You may also be responsible for conducting research using bioinformatics theory and methods in areas such as pharmaceuticals, medical technology or biotechnology, and in addition design databases and develop algorithms for processing and analyzing genomic information or other biological information.

Potential employers for bioinformatics analyst/programmers include the likes of universities, government institutions, research centers and private organizations.