10 Jobs Where Women Outshine Men on Pay Scale

Bangalore: Though women have made great strides with respect to every aspect of life, they are still lagging behind from an earning perspective. Never mind modernity and women’s liberation, men still have the upper hand when it comes to pay packages in almost every occupation. But there are a few exceptions.

Take a look at some of the jobs where women are outshining and out-earning their male counterparts, as listed by Kelli B. Grant of CNBC and other sources.


Women seem to have moved up the payroll in this line of work. As per the Glassdoor, women clearly have an edge when it comes to pay packages in this profession and are earning 13.7 percent more compared to their male counterparts.

According to Allyson Willoughby, Glassdoor’s General Counsel and Senior Vice President of people, the reason behind the higher pay for women in finance jobs, is their keenness to negotiate.      

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