25 Top Tech Companies Hiring Right Now

09. Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin company is specifically into aerospace, defense, and information security industries. Lockheed Martin is one of the world’s largest defense contractors and it tops in the list of 100 U.S. Federal Contractors, 2010. Company has generated total revenue of $45.803 billion in the year 2010. It has listed 1,080 jobs as of the Forbes’ report.

Founded: 1995

Headquarters: Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Job openings: 1,080

08. L-3 Communications Holdings

Serving the department of defense, department of Homeland Security, U.S. Government intelligence agencies, NASA, aerospace contractors and commercial telecommunications and wireless customers, it was listed at 7th place in the list of 100 U.S. Federal Contractors, 2010. The company was formed from the purchase of ten business units of former Lockheed Corporation.  L-3 Communications belongs to the communications and defense industry. The numbers of available job opportunities are 1,099.

Founded: 1997

Headquarters: New York City, New York, U.S.

Job openings: 1,099

07. General Electric

This American multinational firm is $147.3 billion revenue generator. Reportedly, GE has posted 1,119 jobs online. It is a Fortune listed company. According to Fortune listing, it is the 6th ranked largest U.S. company and 14th among most profitable. And the company ranks 15th in the most admired company too. It places 19th in the list of most innovative companies by Fast Company.

Founded: Schenectady, New York, U.S., 1892

Headquarters: Fairfield, Connecticut, U.S.

Job openings: 1,119