25 Top Tech Companies Hiring Right Now

12. Northrop Grumman

Specializing in aerospace systems, electronic systems, information systems, ship building and technical services, this American based company posted 931 jobs on different online job portals. It is the fourth largest defense contractor and the largest builder of naval vessels. It has listed in the top ten Military Friendly employers and included in the Fortune 500 list of America’s largest corporations.

Founded: 1994

Headquarters:  2980 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.

Job openings: 931

11. CASI (Computer Application Services) Software

With 978 job posts CASI Software is listed at 11th position. This company is the top supplier of electronic information delivery solutions for IBM z/OS platform. It is an enterprise software vendor which offers solutions over intranets or over the public Internet using of the OS/390 and z/OS systems.

Founded: 1979

Headquarters:  Southern California, U.S.

Job openings: 978


10. CSC Computer Sciences Corporation

Including systems integration and professional services, enterprise application development and management, application software for the financial services industry and so on, CSC provides various IT services. Being one of the largest outsourcing companies, it serves Fortune Global 1000 companies in 15 different industries.  As of 2011, the total revenue of the company counted as $16.042 billion. At present the company posted more than thousand jobs online.

Founded: 1959

Headquarters: Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.

Job openings: 1,068