
Addressing the Skill Gap to be Future Ready

Om has over 16 years of Corporate & Start-up Experience. Prior to working with Mytat, He has spearheaded Greenfield business operations setups in Europe, UK, & Germany & has managed post M&A integrations in Eastern Europe, Central Europe and India for leading IT firms. He is specialized in cross-cultural integrations & Leadership Development.
He holds Masters in Personnel Management & Industrial from the Banaras Hindu University & bachelor’s degree from Banaras Hindu University.

Skills are an essential part of the new future of work blueprint that is now in place in a post-pandemic world.Technological innovations are impacting every sphere of our ecosystem, compelling humans to adapt to changes and acquire relevant skills. These Abilities or skills are developed. It is just like building treasure. Adapting to disruption is the way forward and there is a growing awareness around the need to develop skills and capabilities.

Education systems across the globe have been trying to bring various aspects of skill development from school age. However, schooling has been primarily focused on literacy. When you are in the VUCA world, only literacy is not going to help. Of course, literacy is the foundation,which now goes beyond reading, writing capabilities. Then, what kind of skill is it going to help us in current as well as future times? Literacy will now encompass a numerical ability, understanding of science, finance, working on devices like computers, mobile and civilian responsibilities. Having said that, in a world where answers are readily available from AI, asking questions, being curious will be treasured. The world which is facing the biggest isolation will cherish empathy, adaptability, managing interpersonal relations and leadership qualities.

Besides day-to-day abilities which can be seen in the syllabus norms, it is time to think of skills development as an essential prerequisitebeyond the curriculum. Youth has tolook at the opportunities that are adding value to them in enhancing their potential and not just becoming a bread-and-butter solution provider. The approach has to be an effective mix of potential and literacy. A pertinent question may be asked here that why not focus on literacy foundations. The answer lies in how human development happens. By the age of 3-5 years of age, the brain is developed by 85%. Though these skills can be developed at a later age, but delays will require more deep learning and effort.

It is essential to address opportunities to meet new demands put forth by growing economies and globalization.From this perspective, the following are the top five skill sets our youth need to acquire and develop:

1. Communication, Citizenship Responsibilities:
It is the era of culturally diverse organizations and therefore one needs to develop:

While technology has progressed a lot in facilitating communication. We need to learn the art of listening, de-layering the underlying meaning of a selection of words, phonetics etc more deeply. They must understand the context of others, accommodate counter views and be sensitive to cross-cultural aspects.

2. Curiosity, Creativity and Adoptability
As mentioned earlier, in the world of AI, RPA, Big Data and NLP etc, one needs to stay curious. Asking Questions without hesitation and fear andnurture creativity to substantiate ideas and develop impactful solutions. Be flexible in adopting sudden changes within (at Emotional level) and in the physical world.People with initiative, ideas and strong desire to succeed are better prepared to take on the challenges that

3. Perseverance and Collaboration
They must develop a habit of staying consistent in their efforts.While the world may be promoting physical distance, they must learn to collaborate beyond boundaries to learn from the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and initiatives

4. Leadership
In a world where specialisation is the key to gaining skill value. However, it has been promoting a freelance working model across the globe. In such a scenario, they would need to be better at conciliation ability. This involves taking feedback positively for self-growth.In a much-evolved world, it will be more about sensitivity, bringing in a win-win for all the parties. Emotional intelligence will be the key to takingothers along.

5. Solution Mindset
Youth must be able to develop a solutioning mindset to critically assess issues, challenges or work areas without any stereotype, at the same time, they should be able to give constructive feedback for betterment.

According to WEF data majority jobs will transformed by the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and there will be a need to reskill more than 1 billion people by 2030.In addition to high-tech skills, specialized interpersonal skills will be in high demand, including skills related to sales, human resources, care and education.

Therefore, having the requisite employability skills continues to be important for successand employers value peoplewho are versatile, willing to reskill and upskill in order to stay competent in new and challenging situations.