
Employee Loyalty... A Company's Asset

Monday, 26 August 2019, 19:45 IST
Sangeetha P, Content Writer, siliconindiaLoyalty could be one of the elusive qualities for the organizations to clutch. But it tends to serve as the back bone of any organization. Employee loyalty is one of the key factors of the company’s productivity, which acts as a driving force for the business to reach the path of success. It helps in retaining the positivity in work space and enables the employees to consistently work for the betterment of the company. Following measures would assist to further build the employee’s loyalty towards their organization.

Manager – Staff Convo...
A frequent connect with the employees will give a clear cut view of the employee to the manager. Several non- management employees have no or little idea on the management decisions, and they usually tend to see their job just as a pay check and not an organization where they are valued.
Employees should be given an opportunity to openly converse with the management and voice out their opinions and suggestions on the business. This will not only bring out some great business ideas but also give a value and commitment to the employee;

they would gain confidence and that would keep them motivated towards work.

Appreciations & Promotions
Not many are behind the hefty hikes and bonus, but a simple appreciation would work like magic, as recognition is the need of every individual deep down in their heart. If an employee is performing well in his/her role, the management should requite… not particularly in monetary aspects but it could be done either by an appreciation mail or even by handing over more responsibility as a sign of showing confidence in them.

Employee Satisfaction
Employee satisfaction is a pivotal key factor to retain the employees and also to gain their loyalty. It is a benchmark to analyze the overall wellbeing of the business, hence many organizations tend to carry out surveys on a regular basis to measure and track the employee satisfactory over the period of time.

Reliable & Consistent Boss
Bosses are the driving force of every employee. In other terms, employees look up to their managers for motivation and guidance. Hence the managers are expected to support their team in every possible aspect like getting things which are due on the management ends done, and being available for their team as and when needed.

Next-Gen Workforce
The Millennials and the Gen Z are already facing the criticism on their commitment towards work, and are said to expect a lot of freedom from their management. On the contrary, they are efficient, assorted, socially aware and are creative. Hence the management could allow flexible work timing; they prefer productivity over the set work time, which could be achieved irrespective of work timing. Technology mastery, the Gen Z employees could hardly remember the time with low speed internet access. Where they are grown up accessing the technology thus embracing high level technology would be the important aspect of organization for their millennial employees.