Worst College Degrees Recruiters Hate

3. Degree in Anthropology:

Do you have any plans of taking up Anthropology as the major a subject in your Masters Degree as you have plans of entering this field in your professional life? Then its better you forget getting a job with this subject as a major of your studies, as it is considered to be a worst one to opt if you are looking out for a productive career path in the future. This is because, the present corporate world is least bothered about humanities and mankind, as it is more interested only towards the business. So, with that, you can find very less space to have a thought about understanding the human nature and attitude.

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So, if you think that a college major in anthropology can obtain you a very good career in the future, it is better to come out of that perception. But still if you are good at writing and analyzing etc through this subject you can expect for a good career in future. But very few youngsters at present are interested in choosing this field, as they are more exposed towards the technological field.

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