Worst College Degrees Recruiters Hate

1. Degree in English Literature:

A degree in English literature been included in the list of worst college degrees the recruiters don’t want to see. Though this degree can be helpful for the communicating skills, we get very less career opportunities with this degree in hand. The only beneficial field to work with an English literature degree in hand is that of a professor or an English teacher in any of the colleges and schools. Even in that, to be a English professor in any of the University or College, a Masters Degree in English literature along with a PhD is most preferable academic skills in many Indian Universities and to be a High School teacher, Masters in English literature is a must in most of the Indian schools.  Apart from that, some of the other fields can be web writers, Ad copywriters, educational publishing editors etc.

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Though there are fields like some mentioned above, very few people serving in this field can earn a good pay. So, we can’t really consider English literature as a “Luxury” one as mentioned by author G.K. Chesterton, always when it comes to pay packages.

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