World's Least Stressful Professions of 2013

#9. Librarian:

Librarians basically help people find information from various sources and are accountable for maintaining library collections and perform other tasks required to keep the library up and running. These professionals are also referred to as information professionals and are basically responsible for selecting and organizing materials, as well as helping the general public and members of academic community use those materials effectively. Many of these professionals opt to work with the public, while others work behind the scenes in technical support, or in administration. Though these professionals traditionally worked with the printed resources, they have managed to keep up with the ever-evolving trends and now are working with electronic resources that include ebooks, internet and the computerized databases. 

Librarians work in peaceful environment, where the stress levels are relatively low. The unlimited access to literature and the mandatory ‘quite’ rules makes this profession one of the ideal options for the bookish. 

The stress score for his profession is 10.58 and the average salary for a librarian is around $54,500 per annum.