World's 10 Most Unemployed Countries

5. Lithuania:

Unemployment rate: 14.5 as of first quarter of 2012.

This nation has been behind Estonia and Latvia when it comes to economic growth from the year 2008. As per the estimates of Statistics Lithuania, people looking for job opportunities from more than a year reported to be half of the total unemployment rate which was about 17.2 percent as of its first quarter in the year 2011. The reason behind this level of unemployment was may be because to fight the credit crisis the government announced higher corporate taxes. Because of this reason more number of companies shut down their firms to avoid higher corporate taxes which led to increase in number of unemployment.  As of the present year the situation has been quite improved because the current unemployment rate of the nation is 14.5 percent which is much better than last year’s 17.2 percent, according to Trading Economics website.