Working Moms Are Happy Moms, Aren't They?

Working Moms Are Happy Moms, Aren't They?

Bangalore: The debate was raged over whether being a working mom is bullying her life or helping her to mould a decent life. Having children and a career does not make her life like hell whereas working moms seem to be happy, a new study by found. Surveying 1,000 working mothers, in addition to raising a family, eight out of ten mothers are enjoying managing a career as well.  78 percent of the respondents have replied they are not only just managing both the roles but they are enjoying too as both the roles are not inhibiting other. listed the benefits of their dual roles according to their respondents.

50 percent of the working moms said working helps them to be powerful role models for their kids. Another 40 percent respondents have said being a working parent gives them more perspectives and more creative ideas both in work and in parenting too. 32 percent reportedly said they are feeling more motivated not only to work but also to take new roles.

As, many of the working women do not have staff to help her with child caring and  scheduling other activities, she needs to rely on other family members to support her. In one way, it helps to have a good family relationship whereas many of the generation-X lives like a separate entity. According to the survey, 77 percent of the working moms have said they are supported either by their spouse or by other members of their family for upbringing their kids. 89 percent of those reported they are supported by their family even to achieve their career goals.